See Your Children Off to School Safely

We provide student transportation services in Hamburg, NY

Student buses are responsible for getting kids to school on time and making sure they get home safely. Fisher Bus Service is responsible for busing for Orchard Park and the surrounding school districts. We've been serving our community since 1946, and we're glad to see your students safely on their way.

Call 716-588-7766 now for more information on our student transportation services.

How to be safe around pickup

Is it your child's first time on a student bus? Teach them to:

  • Wait for the bus away from the street and traffic
  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding
  • Begin boarding once the driver signals to enter
  • Use the handrails when entering and exiting
  • Take 10 giant steps away when existing to create a safe space from the bus

Of course, it's also important to always be aware of the street traffic in the area as well. If you have any questions about how we approach safety during student transportation, reach out to us now.

For more about student safety and district expectations please refer to your student handbook or contact Fisher Bus Service. Please know your child's safety is our number one priority.